Sunrise Health Food Store offers coupons both on their website, and through email. The email is just a shortened list of what is available on the website. It is often not what products I would be looking for - Amy's organics or Annie's bunnies. It's usually for things like health powders or pills which I am less interested in. They have those items in their stores, the coupons just usually aren't for them.
Trader Joe's does not offer its own coupons per se, but it does accept outside manufacturer coupons. I'm not sure if these printables still work, but this is an example of the coupons that TJ's will accept, and the outside products they carry. TJ's also has a fearless flyer newsletter which contains additional sales.
While I have never been to Whole Foods, they also offer coupons. So far we've found the WF stores to be just too far for our family to travel for groceries.
Disney Dreaming,
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