So...you've gathered your stash of coupons right? Now you're going through the blogs and you see Peelies and Blinkies and RR and you're saying.....HUH??????????????????
Here are the most important words in coupon lingo which should help you understand some of the coupon blogs and their matchups. I used
Deal Seeking Mom and
Coupon Geek's lists of lingo and tweeked them for all of you.
Q: Coupon, it sounds like qpon, if that helps you remember. :)
B1G1: Buy one, get one free. I've also seen BOGO.
B2G1 Buy two, get one free. And so on...
Blinkies: Grocery/drugstore coupon dispensers with blinking lights.
CAT/Catalina: Catalinas are the coupons that print from the machine on the register when you make a purchase at your favorite store. They are not the same as the coupons that are on the BACK of the receipt.
Closeouts: These are typically greatly reduced items that the store does not plan on re-stocking.
Coupon Policy: This is the statement that each individual store abides by, in relation to coupons. What is typically included in their policy is whether they take competitor’s coupons, take coupons past expiration dates, “double” or “triple” coupons, accept Internet Printables or if they even accept coupons. (I HIGHLY RECOMMEND you take a copy of the coupon policy with you when you shop.)
Coupon Insert: These are “packets” of coupons found in Sunday papers and also sometimes in the ads mailed to you during the week. These are typically sent out by Smart Source (SS or S), Red Plum (RP) and Proctor & Gamble (PG). They are also refered to as inserts, S, SS, RP and PG.
CRT: Your receipt = Cash register tape.
Double Coupons: This is the term used when stores will double a coupon’s value. Example, if you have a $1 off coupon, they’ll take $2 off. It is EXTREMELY hard to find a doubled coupon in the Chicago suburbs. Kmart has had a few weeks where they have taken them lately, but only 5 doubled coupons, where's the fun in that?
Ea.: Each
ECBs: ExtraCare Bucks, CVS' loyalty system, they work like cash on your next order. (Some restrictions apply.)
ETS: Excludes trial size
Exp.: Expiration date
FAR: Free After Rebate
FAE: Free after Extra Care Bucks (See ECB for more)
FARR: Free After Register Rewards (See RR or Register Rewards for explanation)
GC: Gift card
IP/Internet Printable/Printable: A coupon that can be printed online.
IVC: Instant Value Coupon, Walgreens' store coupons found in ads and monthly booklet,
MIR: Mail-in rebate
OYNO: On your next order
OOP: Out of pocket
OOS: Out of stock
Peelie: Peel-off coupon found on product packaging
PSA: Prices starting at
RR: Register Rewards, Walgreens' Catalina coupons
Stacking: Using both a manufacturer's coupon and a store coupon on one item
UPC: Universal product code, bar code
Tearpad: Pad of coupons attached to a display, shelf, or refrigerator door.
WAGS: The nickname that coupon blogs often assign for Walgreens
WYB: When you buy
YMMV: Your mileage (or manager) may vary, meaning some stores might give you a deal but others might not
$1/1, $1/2: One dollar off one item, one dollar off two items, etc.
2/$1, 3/$2: Two items for one dollar, three items for two dollars, etc.
There are, however, things that I have found that I haven't seen names for that I think we should name!!
1. Coupons on the back of packaging, cardboard coupons
2. Coupons INSIDE packaging. I get tons of coupons INSIDE my items.
So there's your assignment readers, come up with names for these kinds of coupons. I have tons of prizes laying around with your names on them!!